Tag: Travel

  • One more day

    Yes, that’s right, I get to Santiago tomorow. For those who don’t know, yesterday we walked 28km.  Yes, that’s right 28.  We got into Arzura (sic) at about 6:30 pm.  That meant walking through the heat of the day. When you hear the phrase heat of the day, imagine the sun on the hottest day…

  • Pilgrimage

    This one has to be quick as I´ve got 4 min left.  No spell check for me.  I started the pilgrimage yesterday.  7km yesterday, and 15 today.  I´m in Portomarin right now.  Tomorrow we ramp it up to 23km.  I´m hoping my feet hold out. Adios

  • Eating my way across Spain

    So here I sit in Sarria, Spain.  Yeah, I love starting blogs like that.  Traveling has been so much fun.  I thought that since I had a bit of time, I´d share a little about the food here. Each area in Spain seems to have its regional specialties.  Some of these are Seafood in the…

  • Travels in Spain

    Well I tried to post part of this, but ran out of time.  So I´ll finish now.  Lets start with Madrid.  First off we went down to the Prado.  If you get the chance, go.  It was awesome.  Some of the best art in the world.  I took a picture (bad Noah) of one of the paintings.  It turned…