Tag: Travel
Well it’s taken a bit, but I seem to be getting back into being home from pilgrimage. Two days after coming home I graduated with my BA in English Literature (Medieval and Renaissance primarily) and and Extended Minor in Theatre (with focus on Lighting and Directing). I then went straight from my grad dinner to…
My feet hate me
Well we made it. We’ve walked over 200km in the last two weeks. Yeah, I know, we’re crazy. So my feet are still sore, but soaking them every day has been helpful. The tops of my feet look normal, but the bottoms look horrid. I’d take a picture of them but they’re pretty ugly right…
We made it. Dad and I got into Santiago yesterday afternoon. We immediately went to the cathedral to “km 0” and took a lot of pictures with our group. It was 18km from our start point that day, and dad and I were among the first people to reach the meet-up spot, which was 4…