Tag: success

  • An Ideal First Year?

    I think a lot about what students need to know to be successful.  And more and more I feel that the old elective model does a huge disservice to first year students. I was reading this article about the differences in perspective between educators and employers. I think that we need to think less of…

  • How is this a threat?

    Last week NASPA’s blog had a post called “Five Megatrends Threatening Student Affairs (and How to Turn Them Into Opportunities)” written by Laurence N. Smith and Albert B. Blixt. It was an interesting read, but I have to take issue with one of their points. Trend #3: Changing student demographics Overall competition for students will increase…

  • “Whether or not you can never become great at something, you can always become better at it. Don’t ever forget that! And don’t say “I’ll never be good”. You can become better! and one day you’ll wake up and you’ll find out how good you actually became.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson

  • Failure and Education

    Today I read a list of “25 of the Most Important Things a Dad Can Teach His Kids“.  I don’t agree with them all, but number one was in my opinion the most important thing you can teach. “ Winning is fun, but it teaches you nothing. Failure is the best teacher in the world.…