Category: Politics & News

  • Thoughts on the 2014 Election

    My thoughts on the 2014 Abbotsford municipal election. Actually just about the SD34 Board of Education Trustee election. I’d like to start by thanking the 3500 people who voted for me. It was a great experience and my first time putting myself out there in a city context. I hope to run for School Trustee…

  • 2014 School Trustee Platform

    The campaign season has wrapped up and I did not make it in.  But I wanted to keep my platform here for people to see. Brief Bio: Noah Arney grew up and attended school in Abbotsford and returned to establish a family after receiving his Bachelor of Education from UBC. He has worked in education…

  • My Students Don’t Live in Their Parents Basement

    Stephen Poloz, of the Bank of Canada, had a rather tone deaf line the other day: “If your parents are letting you live in the basement, you might as well go out and do something for free to put the experience on your CV.” source That’s great for people who can do that, but most…

  • Reply from an M.P.

    As you know I sent an e-mail to Nina Grewal (my M.P.) a few weeks ago in regards to the “case” against Ezra Levant before the Alberta Human Rights Commission (you can read my reaction to it here).  A similar case is currently proceeding against Mark Steyn.  A few weeks later I sent a follow up…