Category: Politics & News

  • Soft Skills and Standardized Tests

    The governor of New York recently proposed that 50% of teachers evaluations be based on the results of standardized tests. I’m not going to go into great detail about how much of fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose of standardized tests that is. The short version is that standardized tests give the most useful information when…

  • Secret witnesses in Canadian courts?

    If you haven’t seen it yet bill C-44 (the Protection of Canada from Terrorists Act) is an interesting read (see more here: It does a number of things, mostly putting in law things that are already happening. One portion of it is highly problematic, though others might take issue with different provisions, and that would…

  • For the New Board of Education

    Although I was not elected (not even close) I’d like to give my thoughts to the new Board of Education in Abbotsford School District, SD34. Please take ideas from all of the candidates platforms. I mentioned during the forum that it’s important to cast a wide net to bring in a lot of ideas so…

  • Time for Inside Higher Ed to End Anonymous Comments

    There have been many cases against anonymous comments. Popular science removed their comments entirely for a good reason, as referenced in a New Yorker article: “The editors argued that Internet comments, particularly anonymous ones, undermine the integrity of science and lead to a culture of aggression and mockery that hinders substantive discourse.” Huffington post brought…