Author: Noah Arney

  • Twitter threads

    I use Twitter threads as a way of getting my thoughts down in a way that I didn’t think quite worked for my blog. That meant that over time the amount I posted to the blog went down a lot. I decided it might be a nice thing to move some of them over here…

  • My Inbox Zero Method

    Good Morning! I said I’d write a twitter thread about inbox zero, but it was kinda too long for one, so instead it’s a blog post. Here we go, I wrote this mostly as I worked on getting back to inbox zero yesterday. I just got back from 4 days of vacation, and I had…

  • Skills Assessment and Behaviourism

    This was going to be a short twitter thread, then it got too long, so I made a blog post instead. I read an opinion piece in the Toronto Star today and I’m concerned. Mostly I’m concerned about the train of thought it represents. The article, “We need to start giving soft skills more credit“,…

  • Book Review of “The Missing Course: Everything They Never Taught You About College Teaching”

    A snippet from my review posted at the Canadian Journal of Higher Education In my classes I try to explain to second year comput-ing students that their technical skills are only one part of what they need to succeed. Many jobs are like that, requiring both discipline or field specific skills and trans-ferable or soft…